Weinberger fine art privacy policy
Your privacy is important to us. That is why we want you to be informed about how we protect your privacy.
Please take a moment to read the following policy, which describes our practices for the collection and use of your information.
What Information Do We Gather About You?
Information you give us. We receive, store, process and relay on your behalf information that you make available to us. Examples of situations where we may collect information you give us include:
- Filling in any form on the website, such as registration and placing an order, which requires:
- a valid email address
- your first and last name
- your phone number
- payment processing information (including a valid credit card)
- Communicating with the Company or providing feedback via email.
With Whom Do We Share The Information That We Gather?
Within the Company. We may disclose information that we collect within the Company.